Clinical Research Centre
Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
Ipoh, Perak
WhoWe Are
The Ipoh Hospital Clinical Research Centre (HCRC Ipoh) was established in March 2001, and was renamed as Clinical Research Centre Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (CRC HRPB) in Oct 2018, currently headed by Dr. Philip Rajan A/L Devesahayam. Numerous facilities are available at CRC HRPB, including a spacious reception area, research consultation room, sufficient office space for CRC staff and investigators, an archiving library, a training room, 2 meeting rooms and a server room. CRC HRPB also has an accessed-controlled clinical trial hub that consists of a consultation room with research equipment for clinical trial patients.

Head of CRC, Head of ORL (Otorhinolaryngology), Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
Adjunct Professor Taylor’s University
MBBS, MMed ORL-HNS, AM (Mal), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasg)
Areas of interest: Otologic diseases, ear implants, vertigo, and head and neck cancers.
Awards and achievements:
- Distinction in Master’s (Best Surgical Based Candidate – Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2004)
- Excellence Service Award – Hospital Ipoh 2005, 2011
- Best Temporal Bone Dissection – Madras ENT Research Foundation 33rd Temporal Bone Workshop, 2007
- Reviewer Recognition Award 2011, 2018, 2019 (Reviewing with Distinction), Medical Journal of Malaysia
- Best Editor Award, Medical Journal of Malaysia, 2021/22.
- President Elect College of ORL Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Malaysia, 2024 -25
- Madras ENT Oration Medal 2018
Dr. Philip's clinical interests encompass otologic diseases, ear implants, vertigo, and head and neck cancers. His research focuses on Investigator Initiated Research and Trials, where he aims to advance treatment methodologies and improve patient outcomes. Dr. Philip's dedication to both clinical practice and innovative research underscores his commitment to excellence in the medical field. His work not only enhances patient care but also contributes significantly to the ongoing development of medical knowledge and practices.
Research Highlights
- The Malaysian potentially inappropriate prescribing screening tool in older adults (MALPIP) has been successfully incorporated into the Ministry of Health Malaysia’s Geriatric Pharmacy Protocol 2024.
- Is Ipoh Age Friendly? This mixed-method study was undertaken in 2019 and resulted in Ipoh listed as the first WHO Age Friendly City in South East Asia and two publications on the needs of the elderly in the city.
- Covid-19 related studies including stigmatisation of Covid-19 patients and a multicentre study of Sudden Sensori Neural Hearing Loss during Covid-19.
- The Selangor Consensus: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office Experts Consultation 2024
- Master Key Asia, National Cancer Centre Japan, Head and Neck Cancer Registry 2024
- Necrotising Otitis Externa - Genomic study on antimicrobial resistance and international collaboration with Oxford, UK and Denmark
- Congenital Deafness - genomic study om aetiology and therapy
Recent Publications
Project Highlights
I-TECH trial was conducted in 2021. This study began on May 31, 2021 to evaluate the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19 among high-risk patients with mild to moderate symptoms. The study, which included 500 patients was conducted across 21 sites in Malaysia. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a five-day course of Ivermectin along with standard care, while the other group received only the standard care. The primary goal of the study was to assess whether Ivermectin could prevent the progression of COVID-19 to severe disease. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of ICU admissions, need for mechanical ventilation, symptom recovery, or other clinical outcomes. The study also noted that adverse events were more common in the Ivermectin group, with diarrhea being the most frequent side effect.
This study emphasized that despite some early studies suggesting potential benefits, the more robust and larger I-TECH study does not support the use of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. This study also highlighted that promoting Ivermectin as a "miracle drug" without sufficient evidence is irresponsible, as it could lead to false assurances and delay proper medical treatment.
The REVMED RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial) study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led medication review using the Malaysian Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing Screening tool (MALPIP) in hospitalized older adults. The primary goals are to reduce the number of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and chronic medications after discharge, and to assess the impact on quality of life, fall events, emergency department visits, readmissions, and survival rates. The study is interventional and involves 500 participants, aged 60 and above, who are taking more than five regular medications and have at least one chronic medical condition. The trial has two arms: an intervention group where clinical pharmacists use the MALPIP criteria to review and manage medications, and a control group that receives standard care without the specific intervention.
Key steps in the intervention group include:
- Pharmacist review using MALPIP criteria to detect PIMs.
- Discussion with doctors for deprescribing decisions.
- Discussion with patients and documentation of shared decisions.
- Follow-up at 6, 12, and 18 months.
The primary outcome measures are the number of PIMs and chronic medications at admission and up to 18 months post-discharge. Secondary outcomes include quality of life, fall events, emergency department visits, readmissions, and survival status. This study, which started in July 2023 is expected to be completed by June 2025, with primary data collection concluding in February 2025. The trial is conducted in multiple hospitals across Malaysia, ensuring a balanced distribution of participants between the intervention and control groups.
The Effectiveness of Pharmacist-led Educational Model in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in a Malaysian Tertiary Hospital: A Randomised Control Trial Protocol (ARPRISE RCT) ID: NCT06027736
Sponsor: Dr. Chee Ping Chong
NMRR ID: NMRR-22-01621-I1W
Brief Summary: Allergic rhinitis is a chronic respiratory disorder affecting patients' quality of life and work performance. Pharmacists are identified as suitable professionals to deliver patient education and pharmaceutical care in managing allergic rhinitis (AR) patients. Local clinical practice guidelines in Malaysia are lacking, especially in pharmaceutical care in public healthcare institutions. This study protocol describes a randomised control trial (RCT) that aims to determine the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led educational model in managing AR (ARPRISE Model) compared to standard pharmaceutical care. The AR-PRISE model delivers patient educational material (video) and an algorithm for pharmaceutical care
Detailed Summary: This is a six-month, single-centre, prospective, randomised, two-arm, and parallel-group controlled trial. This trial recruits patients attending a tertiary hospital's otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinics. The participants are randomised into the control or intervention groups at 1:1 using permuted block randomisation. Each group required 77 participants. The control group will receive standard pharmaceutical care. The intervention group will receive pharmacist-led education according to the AR-PRISE model. Both groups will be assessed for the middle turbinate endoscopy findings, disease severity, knowledge level, symptom control, medication adherence, and quality of life (QoL) at baseline and end-of-study followup (Day 180±7). Depending on the feasibility at Day 60±7 and 120±7, they will be followed up virtually or face-to-face. During the intermediate follow-up, the participants will be assessed for symptom control, medication adherence, and QoL. The intention-to-treat analysis will include all participants assigned to each group. An Independent T-Test compares the mean difference in knowledge level between the two groups. A two-way repeated measure ANOVA analysis will be employed to determine between-group differences for scores of symptom control, adherence rate, and QoL. A one-way repeated measure ANOVA will be performed for within-group analysis. A P-value < 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
Conditions: Allergic Rhinitis, Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services
Study Contact: Chii-chii Chew
Phone Number:+605-208 5148
NMRR-22-00003-6NQ | Effect of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C as an Adjunct in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit: A Multi-Center, Double-Blinded, Two-Arm, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Trial |
NMRR-23-02580-OGX | Abbreviations Usage in Paediatric Discharge Summaries at a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia |
RSCH-23-03100-L22 | Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Irradiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) Patients: A Systematic Review of Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Association with Recurrence |
NMRR-24-00696-7ME | Exploring Responses to Suicide Disclosures: Approaches and Challenges in the Malaysian Context |
NMRR-20-489-53230 (IIR) | The Compliance of Regular Hearing Aid Usage and Its Associated Factors among Elderly Patients with Hearing Loss |
NMRR-21-02162-VV3 (IIR) | Antimicrobial Usage among Severe COVID-19 Patients in Government Funded Hospitals in Perak State, Malaysia |
NMRR-22-01122-JC4 (IIR) | Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Association between COVID-19 Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination in Malaysia |
NMRR-22-01235-NYW (IIR) | Mortality among COVID-19 Survivors in Malaysia: A Retrospective Cohort Study |
NMRR-22-02554-BTL |
Comparative Cross-Sectional Analysis on Blood Sampling Requirement among Neonates in Centers using Transcutaneous Bilirubin (TcB) Devices
NMRR-22-02903-REJ (IIR) | Post-Operative Outcomes of Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Pandemic Undergoing Cesarean Section. A Retrospective Cohort Study |
RSCH-24-01698-KLA |
Optimising Intensive Care Bed Capacity: A Clinical Audit of Intensive Care Exit Block and Access Block in Malaysian Hospitals
NMRR-22-01621-I1W | A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Parallel Group, Single-Centre Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Pharmacist-Led Educational Protocol in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in a Tertiary Hospital |
NMRR-22-02454-CQA | Impact of Medications Review on Potentially Inappropriate Medications and Clinical Outcomes Among Hospitalized Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
NMRR-23-00579-NAR | Incidence, Risk Factors and One-Year Outcomes of Valvular Heart Disease in Perak |
Early IV to Oral Antibiotic Switch for Uncomplicated Staph Aureus Bacteraemia. A Multi-Centre RCT Collaboration Project with Medical HRPB Involving 16 Hospitals around Malaysia
List of Publications associated with CRC HRPB
- COVID-19 Related Health Literacy and Preventive Behaviours of the Older Person in Perak state, Malaysia: A Qualitative Study.
- Lim, X.-J., Tan, K.-L., Teoh, G.-K., Tan, M.-P.
Scope of Training and Services
List of trainings:
- Introduction to R
- Systematic Review and Meta analysis
- Introduction to epidemiology
- Manuscript Writing
- Critical appraisal: RCT and systematic review
- Good Clinical Practice (GCP) - organizing and assist in research training, courses & workshop
* Post Basic Research Course
* HSR Research Writing Workshop
* Tutorial of Abstract Writing
* HSR State Research Workshop
* Others

Support for Research Projects
CRC HRPB has supported more than 200 research projects. Support was given in the areas project proposal development, sample size calculation, development of databases, data analysis, statistics and report writing. In addition, active CRC clinicians are also involved in many clinical trials.
Research Tutorial & Support
- Identifying/Developing Suitable Research Idea
- Proposal/Protocol Development
- Research Design
- Sample Size Calculation
- Result Interpretation
- Data & Statistical Analysis
- Report Writing/Publication
- Obtaining References
- NMRR Registration - support and assist for research registration in NMRR
Research officers and research assistants supporting:
- Research registration (National Medical Research Registration, NMRR), Research study management and research update.
- Research training such as Good Clinical Practice, Research Workshop, Data Analysis Workshop, Health System Research (HSR), Perak state research workshop jointly organised with the Institute for Health Systems Research (IHSR) and Perak State Health Department (JKN Perak), Post Basic Research course jointly organised with the Ministry of Health Training Institute in Ulu Kinta, Perak. Collaborative research training workshops with other departments of the hospital, primary care, and universities.
- National and international training and workshops via sponsorship of registration fees.
- Registries in Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh, Perak.
- Clinical trial feasibility studies.
- Responsible to oversee the overall process of protocol reviews submitted from the coverage region of the Hospital CRC.
CRC HRPB has established a good liaison with the Perak State Health Department (JKN Perak), Institute for Health Systems Research (IHSR), and Ministry of Health Training Institute in Ulu Kinta, Perak. Each year, CRC HRPB conducts joint training with the Institute for Health Systems Research (IHSR), Perak State Health Department (JKN Perak), and the Pharmaceutical Services Divison of Perak (BPF Perak).

- National Renal Registry (NRR)
- National Cardiovascular Disease Database (NCVD)
- National Eye Database (NED)
- National Cancer Patient Registry (NCPR-Hematology)
- National Neonatal Registry (NNR)
- National Transplant Registry (NTR)
CRC HRPB is responsible to give a full support in clinical research registry from systematic collection of data on consecutive patients who are diagnosed. The list below is the patient registries actively involved in Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh:
- National Eye Database (NED)
- National Cardiovascular Disease Database (NCVD)
- National Renal Registry (NRR)
- National Cancer Patient Registry (NCPR-Hematology)
- National Orthopedic Registry of Malaysia (NORM)
- Malaysian National Neonatal Registry (MNNR)
- Malaysian Psoriasis Registry (MPR)
- National Obstetric Registry (NOR)
- National Trauma Database (NTrD)
- National Renal Registry (NRR)
- Influenza A (H1N1) Registry
- National Chest Registry (NChR)
- National Transplant Registry (NTR)
- National Neonatal Registry (NNR)
- National Cancer Patient Registry (NCPR-Hematology)

Further info on upcoming activities
CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Perak
Clinical Research Centre
Tingkat 4, Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC)
Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
Jalan Raja Ashman Shah
30450 Ipoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan.
Main Phone: +05-208 5146